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Our Top 5 Fertility Boosting Tips For 2023

New year – new addition to the family?

Maybe this is the year you have decided to expand your family and start trying to become pregnant. Or maybe you have been ready to enter mom life for quite some time and are looking for ways to really boost fertility in 2023. Whichever it is, do not fret – we have you covered! Below are a handful of simple and accessible tips you can implement into your daily routine to help increase fertility.

1. Assess your diet.

As with most cases, proper nutrition is pretty important. The same holds true with fertility. Why? Simply put, eating a healthy and balanced diet improves your overall well-being. Improved well-being increases your chances of ovulating. And increased ovulation leads to increasing your chances of getting pregnant. Nutrition is a domino effect.

Consuming a healthy diet is not only beneficial for boosting female fertility – it is equally as beneficial for males during this process. Eating a fertility-focused diet increases sperm count with healthy sperm. As the saying goes – it takes two to tango!

So, what exactly is included in a fertility-focused diet? Below are a few elements to consider implementing in your day-to-day consumption.

- Increase your intake of foods that are high in antioxidants. Antioxidants help to defend cells in the body from toxic free radicals. Foods that are high in antioxidants include blueberries, strawberries, dark greens, beans, pecans, dark chocolate (oh yes!), and many more.

- Eat more monounsaturated fats (healthy) and less trans fats (unhealthy). Monounsaturated fats, like olive oils, avocados, and almonds, help in reducing cholesterol levels, while providing nutrients to the cells.

- Include iron in your diet – from sources excluding red meats. Iron is essential in your fertility journey, as it helps supply the body with energy (blood and oxygen). Look to skip red meat options; instead, grab for other high-protein foods like oysters, chickpeas, and spinach.

- Add more fiber into your meals. Fiber declutters the body – removing excess waste and hormones, keeping blood sugar levels in-line. Fibrous foods include whole grains, fruits, veggies, and beans.

2. Get moving!

What is more powerful than a healthy diet? A healthy diet and an active lifestyle. The combination of both is dynamic. Exercise is beneficial to your health in many ways. Daily movement assists in maintaining a healthy bodyweight – a crucial factor in increasing fertility.

Body weight influences estrogen (the baby-making hormone). If your bodyweight is higher than the recommended BMI, you could be at risk for producing too much estrogen. This confuses the body, causing it to completely skip the ovulation process. On the other end, if your bodyweight is far under the recommended BMI, you could be at risk for not producing any estrogen – leading to fertility complications.

Regardless, exercise in moderation is key for bodyweight maintenance. It is also key for an enhanced mood, lower stress, better sleep quality, and increased energy! Try adding three hours of exercise into your week (i.e. walking, biking, swimming, going to a fitness class). There are many ways to move your body. Pick what works best for you – and make it fun!

3. Limit alcohol in-take.

Yes, that is the tip: limit your alcohol consumption. Bottom line, we should all be aware that alcohol is a toxin and has negative impacts on the body. Especially when consumed in large quantities. Alcohol also has a negative impact on fertility – it increases irregular ovulation, making it harder for pregnancy to occur. Drinking alcohol, even in smaller amounts, can have this effect. Best solution – trade alcohol for sparkling water during this journey in your life.

4. Add a prenatal vitamin into your daily routine.

While you might already be eating the rainbow, sometimes this still is not enough. One way to assure you are getting the appropriate vitamin amounts each day is by taking a daily vitamin. Not just any vitamin, a prenatal vitamin.

A prenatal vitamin is packed with a high quantity of fertility-specific vitamins. Some of these vitamins include B vitamins, vitamin D, folic acid, niacin, and iron. Being deficient in any of these can hinder your chances of becoming pregnant. There are also supplements you can take alongside your daily vitamins. The best solution for discovering what your body needs, supplementation-wise, is talking with your doctor.

5. Cut out stress!

Did you laugh when reading this tip? Ah yes, reducing stress is much easier said than done – still, it is necessary. Stress truly wreaks havoc on our bodies. It suppresses the immune system, causes high blood pressure, increases risk for disease – and stress can certainly lead to infertility.

Maybe you are stressed from life’s crazy turns… or maybe you are stressed about stress causing stress on your fertility. Try your hardest to stop this cycle now. Instead, actively seek out glimmers of carefree enjoyment and relaxation in each day. Explore a new walking trail outside, call your best friend to chat, read a new book, try a yoga class, meditate – find activities that alleviate stressors from the day-to-day. Your hormones will thank you for it.

For more questions or to schedule a consultation regarding fertility, book online here today.


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