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Knowing your partner's love language + Fertility

The language of love is more powerful than one may think.

Did you know that love has its very own language? Did you also know that each of us have our own version of this language? The idea of a love language was developed by Gary Chapman, Ph.D. in his bestselling book, The 5 Love Languages: The Secret To Love That Lasts. This quick yet powerful read walks us through the five main languages that each of us cling toward to show and receive love (do not worry, we will dive into each of them!). The premise is that once we know our own love language, as well as our partner’s love language, we can speak clearly to one another. We can express our feelings in a way that really resonates, allowing for a deeper connection.

When a couple is on the same page with communication, they are in-sync. Love languages go beyond making sure each other is satisfied and feeling respected; in fact, speaking your partner’s love language can actually aid your fertility journey. Trying for a little one can be taxing. Emotions are typically running high, leading to unwanted strain or distance in a relationship. This is a common result – and can be easily course-corrected. Take a step back. Remember the foundation of your relationship: love.

Invest in learning each other’s love language. What do they need to feel safe and appreciated? And what do you need? Once decided, follow through and speak to each other’s language. These actions of love allow a couple to work in harmony with one another – even through the toughest times. Because in the end, all you need is love.

The 5 Love Languages

1. Words of Affirmation: If your love language is words of affirmation, you enjoy receiving verbal acknowledgement. This acknowledgement can be compliments, encouragement, comforting phrases, frequent “I love you’s” – any form of affection that is verbalised (or written) that gives you comfort.

2. Acts of Service: Acts of service is your love language if you prefer action. This can be something as simple as your partner bringing you a coffee to bed in the morning, taking care of you when you are sick, or even handling chores for you. Little acts of service make you feel understood and loved.

3. Gifts: This one is self-explanatory. If your love language is gifts, you enjoy receiving special, little gifts from your partner. The gifts do not need to be anything major; they simply need to be meaningful and thoughtful.

4. Physical Touch: Opposite form words of affirmation, the love language of physical touch is all about physical signs of affection. If this sounds like your love language, you prefer to hold hands, kiss, cuddle, and to be intimate with your partner. You want to be physically close to your loved one.

5. Quality Time: Quality time is all about spending time together. If this is your love language, you feel the most loved when time is, well, spent together. Whether you are going out on a walk around the park or out to dinner, downtime with that special someone ignites your heart.

Still wondering about your love language? Give Gary Chapman’s book a read. It is quick and enjoyable – and jam packed with information on growing a deeply connected relationship.


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