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10 Holistic Stress Relief Options

Stress is unavoidable – that said, it is completely manageable.

If one thing is for sure, daily stress is inevitable. Whether you are running late to work, preparing for a major meeting, studying to pass an exam, caring for a sick loved one, or simply trying to provide for your family – stress is constantly present and looks different for each of us. While it is easy to get overwhelmed and anxious, we have the power to take control and manage how we react to daily stressors in life. There are many holistic stress relief options that are simple and effective. Let’s jump right in!

1. Ear Seeds: Ear seeds are teeny, seed-like objects that serve as a form of acupressure therapy. These seeds are placed on the ear to stimulate pressure points and alter the flow of energy into the ears. The benefits of ear seeds? They are shown to treat various health conditions, including anxiety, panic attacks, and even assist positively and effectively in pain management.

2. Acupuncture: Acupuncture techniques have been around for years – that is because they work! Acupuncture involves placing extremely tiny needles into strategic parts of the body. Each needle placement is important for redirecting energy throughout the body (similar to ear seeds). The pressure points stimulate natural, feel-good hormones, while simultaneously reducing stress-causing hormones (called cortisol).

3. Massage: Not only does a massage feel exceptional, but it is highly beneficial to the mind and body in many ways, including stress relief. Receiving a massage puts the mind in a relaxed state. During a massage, you are focused on mind-body connection – navigating thoughts off course, away from outside stressors. This sense of relief ultimately lowers the body's stress levels and improves overall mood.

4. Reiki: Reiki is a form of alternative medicine surrounding energy healing. It is a Japanese practice where practitioners use the palms of their hands to transfer vital energy throughout the body. Reiki is a relaxing process that is known for reducing anxiety. This practice allows balance to occur throughout the body, holistically healing at an emotional and physical level.

5. Walking In Nature: Looking for a simple and inexpensive way to relax? Head outside for a stroll and take in the surroundings. Having the ability to immerse yourself into nature is an automatic mood booster. Studies show that walking in nature promotes an enhanced mood and increased memory performance, while decreasing cortisol levels, pulse rate, and blood pressure.

6. Gratitude Journaling: Writing daily in a gratitude journal is a simple way to cope with anxiety. Journaling in general is a great way to put your thoughts on paper – to release and cope with suppressed emotions. A gratitude journal adds a positive focus to journaling. It allows you to recognise and appreciate all of the beautiful blessings in your life. On your journaling journey, you will find that life’s blessings outweigh day-to-day nuances.

7. Hug It Out: Physical touch is known to release the soothing hormone called oxytocin. Whether you are giving a giant bear hug to a friend or holding hands with a loved one, this hormone will immediately flood the body, causing feelings of safety and pleasure to spread. These feelings combat anxiety and worry, leaving you less stressed. Who would have thought that a hug held so much power?

8. Meditation & Yoga: Both yoga and meditation require extreme focus on the mind and body – as well as their connection to each breath. The breathing techniques used in practice allow for deep relaxation. Yoga and meditation boosts mindfulness – or being aware of the present moment, accepting feelings and thoughts. This is critical for accepting the here and now, living in the moment with peace.

9. Connecting With Others: One of the most important techniques for stress relief is connecting with loved ones. Reaching out to a friend for coffee or simply giving your mom a ring on the phone serves as not only a distraction from worries but puts what is important into the forefront. Having a support system available to lean on when needed allows for better clarity and focus — and can help reset the tone from stressed to blessed. Human connection is crucial, especially during times of frustration and feeling overwhelmed. You are not alone.

10. Aromatherapy: Aromatherapy is the use of specific essential oils (from natural plant extract) for physical and emotional healing. Each essential oil releases a different scent – and each scent plays a role in a specific type of healing. For stress and anxiety, essential oils like lavender, sandalwood, clergy sage, lemon, and jasmine serve as a natural remedy for relief. Essential oils can be used topically or diffused into the air for inhalation. It is best to research proper use of each oil prior to application.

Interested in learning more about holistic stress relief options? Give us a call today to schedule an appointment.

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